Upgrade to Premium

Redream is completely free to use on all of our supported platforms - Windows, Mac, Linux and the Raspberry Pi 4. It can be used to play through over 85% of the Dreamcast's library from beginning to end at no cost.

To fund development, a one-time purchase is available for $6 which provides the following enhancements:

  1. High-definition rendering to improve visual quality.
  2. Multiple save state slots per game.
  3. Custom Discord server role.

Upgrade to Premium

Stable Releases

Get the most reliable experience with our stable releases.

    v1.5.0 5 years ago

Development Releases

Test the latest features and improvements as soon as they're made with our development releases.

If you'd like to report an issue, please do so on our GitLab issue tracker.

    v1.5.0-1133-g03c2ae9 7 months ago
    v1.5.0-1132-g25500c1 7 months ago
    v1.5.0-1131-gafdfc1a 8 months ago